Fresh look for us!

Fresh look for Financial Dispute Resolution Service!

We thought it was time to refresh the look of Financial Dispute Resolution Service and make sure all our customers can find the information they need in a quick and easy way.

Our website

We have tried to make sure the site is easy to read and simple to follow. But we would love your feedback.

- Did our website answer all your questions?

- Was it easy to find and understand?

- Is there something we can improve?

We are always keen to learn more about what is working well and ways to improve our service, including our website. So please send any feedback or suggestions to

Stay connected

Why not follow us on social media so you can stay up to date with all the latest Financial Dispute Resolution Service news?

We share information on emerging trends, topical news, tips for consumers and information about events in the local community.

We hope you like the new site and we look forward to hearing your thoughts,